Thursday, February 13, 2014

Welcome to TheTechieGurl

Hello and welcome to the newest site for you computer tips, reviews and help online. I am TheTechieGurl, you can come to me with your questions, tips and comments, they are most welcome.

I wanted to create a go to place for novice users of every system you can come up with. I Love computers and would like to make life easier for everyone that might think OMG what did I just do to make my computer do that? There is a simple answer for everything and I promise not to throw terms out that will make your head explode. I can't stress enough that things will get better, just follow me on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Google+, Instagram and YouTube.

I hope you find here the tools that you will need to help you raise your computer awareness. Let's make this a fun and easy way to look for solutions. :0)
Thank you for stopping by and have a fantastic day!

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